Core Values
We value the whole Bible as our final authority for daily living, faith and practice.
We value fervent prayer (individually and corporately) as a privilege and responsibility. It is essential for spiritual growth and for carrying out our mission.
We value worship (individually and corporately) that emphasizes a transforming encounter with the living God through prayer, music, giving, the ordinances and the ministry of His Word.
We value the proclamation of salvation through Jesus Christ, starting with the individual and moving outward to our communities and the rest of the world.
Spiritual Formation
We value the disciple making and equipping of all believers to use their spiritual gifts for fruitful service within the church and society.
We value the full acceptance of each person, made in the image of God, even though that image is marred by sin.
We value the God-ordained family as the foundational building block for society and as the starting point for spiritual nurturing and training.
We value the local church as God’s family where all people are committed to care for one another, and hold each other accountable.
We value the giving of one’s best of their time, treasure and talents for the work of the ministry.
Servant Ministries
We value the deliverance of hope through assisting, nurturing and encouraging those in need.